The American Indian and Indigenous Collective IHC Research Focus Group’s 2019 Symposium addresses and critically examines decolonization as a multi-layered project that is always-already in process. We, as Native and Indigenous peoples, and we as contemporary walkers upon these lands continue to participate (wittingly and unwittingly) in the colonial project. How can we best advance our decolonization as individuals and as communities? This is more than a rhetorical question. It is a call to action. In spring 2018, the Native community at UCSB and surrounding environs created the Decolonizing Our Lives Project (DOLP). Members of local Chumash communities, the UCSB Native community, and other communities of color at UCSB were invited to participate in DOLP. DOLP originally focused on decolonization by focusing on Indigenous foods to plant and eat, and by increasing communal activities that honor spiritual and physical Native traditions. Community activities, such as community dinners in our Four Directions and Three Sisters gardens and shared sports activities are designed to gather individuals, from across divisions, into relationship. Please join the American Indian & Indigenous Collective (AIIC) and keynote speakers Dr. John Gamber, Dr. Devon Mihesuah, Dr. Alexis Bunten and Stan Rodriguez for three days of presentations, panels, roundtables, films, and discussions.
Friday-Sunday March 1-3, 2019, UC Santa Barbara
Each day begins at 8:30 am
March 1st – McCune Conference Center, HSSB 6020
March 2 & March 3 – Student Resource Building
Registration in advance is encouraged, please visit
Sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center | Graduate Student Association | Department of Theater and Dance| Department of English & ACGC | Department of Linguistics | Department of Political Science | Department of History | Department of Anthropology | UCSB College of Letters and Sciences | Department of Religious Studies | Department of Music | Department of Sociology | MultiCultural Center | UCSB Graduate Division | Gevirtz Graduate School of Education | Film & Media Studies | UCSB Associated Students | Environmental Studies | Executive Vice Chancellor David Marshall Associate Vice Chancellor Maria Herrera-Sobek | The Hull Chair-Feminist Studies | Office of Equal Opportunity & Discrimination Prevention Office