November 2011

Stuart Tyson Smith (Anthropology, UCSB) Thursday, November 3 / 4:00 PM Lane Room, Ellison Hall Professor Smith's research centers on the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Nubia. He is particularly interested in the identification of ethnicity in the archaeological record and the ethnic dynamics of colonial...

RFG Home > 4Humanities@UCSB Meeting 2

Core Issues in Public Discourse on the Humanities (Monday, November 14, 2011, 1-3 pm, South Hall 2509) We have divided the readings according to four broad categories that might help frame our discussion on Thursday. We propose that we do as many readings as we can, and...

John Stratton Hawley (Religion, Barnard College and Columbia University) Wednesday, November 16 / 3:30 pm 1910 Buchanan Hall It is no secret that religion is a very serious thing—de la vie sérieuse, Durkheim says somewhere. Yet in the lives of the bhakti saints, as told in...