15 Oct Tools for Map Making: A Geographies of Place Workshop

Friday, October 15, 2010 / 1:00PM – 4:00PM
McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB
Maps can add important dimensions to analysis and interpretation in the humanities, illustrating the distribution of phenomena, patterns of activities, processes of landscape change, flows among places, and connections between natural and human environments. They also enable the transfer of information, provide guidance to navigation, and offer insight to solving problems.
This workshop will provide demonstrations for a range of tools used in map making that are readily accessible and that illustrate a variety of applications of likely interest in the humanities. These tools will include open-source software to create maps from databases and online mapping tools that allow access to historical and contemporary socio-demographic data. Demonstrations will cover procedures for transferring GPS tracks and locations to maps and for embedding one’s own information and imagery to Google Earth and similar geo-browsers. Information on courses and software licenses available at UCSB will be provided, along with listings of mapping resources and data that are Web accessible. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops to the workshop for accessing resources that exist online.
UCSB geographers Keith Clarke, Michael Goodchild, Alan Glennon, and Indy Hurt will each demonstrate select mapping tools and types of readily available data. Ann Bermingham and Donald Janelle will moderate the session and lead a question-and-answer session.
Participants are encouraged to bring laptops in order to follow along.
Sponsored by the IHC’s Geographies of Place series in cooperation with the Center for Spatial Studies and the Department of Geography.