01 Jun The Knowing Body

Friday, June 1 / 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB
Corporeality has long been a driving issue in performance studies, as scholars and performers have sought to understand the many roles the body has performed throughout history and across cultures. Increasingly, the term “corporealities” has come to encompass the multiple encodings inscribed upon and embodied within the flesh. More than a way of being, “corporeality” refers not just to the materiality of bodies, but to embodiment as a way of knowing, as theorists from diverse fields have proposed. This event will showcase student work, both in the form of paper presentations and performances, that investigates the concept of the knowing body and that will perhaps generate more questions and suggest areas of future research.
Performance Studies Research Focus Group Co-conveners:
Ruth Hellier-Tinoco, Music, Theater & Dance
Ninotchka Bennahum, Theater & Dance
Shannon M. Lieberman, History of Art & Architecture
Sponsored by the IHC’s Performance Studies Research Focus Group
Website: https://www.ihc.ucsb.edu/performancestudies/
Conference Schedule
9:00 Introductory Remarks
9:10-10:30 Panel 1
“Staging Abortion: Theatrical Embodiment as a Disruption of the Rhetorical, Moral, Hypothetical Debate” (9:10-9:30)
Annika Speer, PhD Candidate, Department of Theatre and Dance with Doctoral emphasis
in Feminist Studies, UCSB
“What Flow/s After: A Meditative Reflection and Performance” (9:30-9:50)
Shannon Brennan, PhD Candidate, English
Jessica Lopez Lyman, PhD Student, Chicana and Chicano Studies
Alison Reed, PhD Student, English
Kristie Soares, PhD Student, Comparative Literature
“Performing Citizenship: Migrant Women’s Bodies and Internalization of State Discourse” (9:50-10:10)
Megan Carney, PhD Candidate, Sociocultural Anthropology, UCSB
10:10-10:30 Q and A
10:30-10:40 Break
10:40-11:50 Panel 2
“Melody as ‘Diagonal’: The Explanation of Embodied Cognition” (10:40-11:00)
Jessica Stankis, PhD Candidate in Musicology, Music Department, UCSB
“I am Norwegian: hear me roar” (11:00-11:10)
Inger Lise Sortland, Department of Theater and Dance, UCSB, with Rasmus Ulfsnes on
“Movement, Technology and Perception” (11:10-11:30)
Marco Pinter, PhD Student, Department of Media Arts & Technology, UCSB
Q and A: 11:30-11:50
Lunch on campus (not provided as part of the colloquium)
Panel 3 12:50-2:00
“TOWARD A KNOWING BODY:A Closed System Approach” (12:50-1:10)
Jessica Harris, Department of Dance, Pomona College,
“Activist Bodies: Walking for Justice on the Migrant Trail” (1:10-1:30)
Chandra Russo, PhD Student, Sociology Department, UCSB
“Nothing is Ever Forgotten: Performing the Knowing Body” (1:30-1:40)
Tim Wood, MA Student, Department of Media Arts and Technology, UCSB
Q and A, closing remarks: 1:40-2:00