SKILLS Day: School Kids Investigating Language in Life and Society

SKILLS Day: School Kids Investigating Language in Life and Society

Tuesday, May 17 / 9:00 AM
McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB

Students from Carpinteria High School will present their research on language and culture in their local community, from surfing to youth groups. Students conducted their research as part of a special high-school class in linguistics as part of the UCSB SKILLS academic outreach project. The mission of SKILLS is to promote academic success by fostering students’ exploration of language in their lives and communities. For more information, contact Prof. Mary Bucholtz:

Sponsored by the Academic Preparation Office, UC/ACCORD, the Chicano Studies Institute, Student-Initiated Recruitment and Retention Committee, the Dept. of Linguistics, Gevirtz School of Graduate Education , Center for California Languages and Cultures, Vox California Student Organization and the IHC.