Faculty Fellowships
IHC Faculty Fellowships grant ladder-rank faculty release from teaching one quarter to concentrate on research projects. Recipients must be in residence during the fellowship term; while the award releases the recipient from teaching responsibilities, it does not exempt him or her from service and advising responsibilities. Award recipients are designated IHC Fellows and deliver a public lecture or hold a seminar on a topic related to their research during their tenure as fellows. The fellowship term occurs in the academic year following the award date. Faculty may receive this award once every five years and must not teach during the award quarter. Click here for more information about faculty fellowships.
2025-26 Fellows
Alicia Boswell, History of Art and Architecture: “Ancient Moche Metals from Loma Negra, Peru: Performance in the Past and Present”
Heather Blurton, English: “Piety and Prejudice: The Ritual Crucifixion Accusation in Late Medieval England”
Howard Chiang, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies: “The Confucian Freud: Race, Psychoanalysis, and the Politics of Transcultural Science in the Sinophone Pacific”
David Stein, History: “Fearing Inflation, Inflating Fears: The Civil Rights Struggle for Full Employment and the Rise of the Carceral State, 1929-1986”
2024-25 Fellows
Stephanie Malia Hom, French and Italian: “On Redemption: Slavery & Colonialism in Italy”
Susan Hwang, East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies: “Uncaged Songs: Culture and Politics of Protest Music in South Korea”
David Novak, Music: “Diggers: A Global Counterhistory of Popular Music”
2023-24 Fellows
Utathya Chattopadhyaya, History: “Ganja Matters: Empire and the Pursuits of Cannabis in British India”
Mona Damluji, Film and Media Studies: “Pipeline Cinema”
Rachael King, English: “Improving Literature: Media, Environments, and the Eighteenth-Century Improvement Debate”
2022-23 Fellows
Heidi Amin-Hong, English: “A Contaminated Transpacific: Ecological Afterlives of the Vietnam War”
Charmaine Chua, Global Studies: “Logistics Leviathan: Counterrevolutionary empire and just-in-time distribution in the Indo-Pacific”
Raquel Pacheco, Anthropology: “Re-making the Peasant Countryside: Intimate mestizaje in Neoliberal Mexico”
2021-22 Fellows
Allison Caplan, History of Art and Architecture: “Our Flickering Creations: Art Theory Under the Aztec Empire”
Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, Global Studies: “Empire of Refugees: North Caucasian Muslims and the Late Ottoman State”
Giuliana Perrone, History: “The Problem of Emancipation in the Age of Slavery: Law and Abolition after the U.S. Civil War”
Elana Resnick, Anthropology: “Alchemy At Its Limits: Waste, Race, and Radical Transformation”
2020-21 Fellows
Benjamin Levy, Music: “The Diverging Worlds of Spectral Music”
Cristina Venegas, Film and Media Studies: “Julio García Espinosa and the Imperfect Imagination”
Hangping Xu, East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies: “Broken Bodies as Agents: Disability Aesthetics and Politics in Modern Chinese Culture and Literature”
2019–20 Fellows
Jeannine DeLombard, English: “Bound to Respect? Democratic Dignity & the Indignities of Slavery”
Lisa Jacobson, History: “Fashioning New Cultures of Drink: Alcoholic Beverages and the Politics of Pleasure after Prohibition”
Laila Shereen Sakr, Film and Media Studies: “Glitch Resistance: The Arab Uprisings, Social Media, and the Virtual Body Politic”
2018–19 Fellows
Elena Aronova, History, “Making Science History: The Forgotten Socialist Roots of Big History and Big Data”
Karen Lunsford, Writing Program, “The Effects of Intellectual Property Law in Writing Studies: Ethics, Gatekeepers, and Academic Knowledge-Making”
Amit Shilo, Classics, “The Afterlife in the Oresteia: Ethical and Political Perspectives”
Martha Sprigge, Music, “Socialist Laments: Musical Mourning in the German Democratic Republic”
2017–18 Fellows
Jennifer Holt, Film and Media Studies, From Convergence to the Cloud: Media Policy in the Digital Era
erin Khuê Ninh, Asian American Studies, Almost Perfect: Passing for the Model Minority
Eric Prieto, French and Italian, World Literature, Urban Theory, and the Informal City
The following winners are listed by award date:
Spring 2016
Richard Ross, Art, My Brother’s In Juvie
Fall 2015
George Lipsitz, Black Studies and Sociology, Inured to Suffering and Afraid of Love
Glyn Salton-Cox, English, Good Comrades and Splendid Creatures: Queer Communism and the Making of the Midcentury Sexual Subject
Barbara Tomlinson, Feminist Studies, Inured to Suffering and Afraid of Love
Spring 2015
Elizabeth Heckendorn Cook, English and Comparative Literature, Talking Trees: Others and Ethics in British Enlightenment Literature
Fall 2014
Kate McDonald, History, Modern Japan and the Politics of Place: The Geography of Empire (declined)
Swati Rana, English, Retrograde Minorities: Problem Characters in Ethnic Literature, 1900-1960
Spring 2014
Enda Duffy, English, High Energy Modernism
James Kearney, English, Original Debt: Economies of Ethical Obligation in the Literature of Early Modern England
Fall 2013
Ross Melnick, Film and Media Studies: Screening the World: Hollywood’s Global Exhibition Empires, 1925-1982
Spring 2013
Felice Blake, English, Black Love, Black Hate: The Paradox of Intracommunal Conflict in African American Literature
Diane Fujino, Asian American Studies, Japanese Americans and the Contested Nature of Cold War Citizenship and Radical Democracy
Fall 2012
Lalaie Ameeriar, Asian American Studies; Downwardly Global: Re-Colonizing Pakistani Immigrant Bodies In the Age of Multiculturalism
Spring 2012
Adrienne L. Edgar, History, Marriage, Modernity, and the ‘Friendship of Nations’: Interethnic Intimacy in Soviet Central Asia, 1917-1991
David Novak, Music, Keywords in Sound Studies
Teresa Shewry, English, Possible Ecologies: Literature, Nature, and Hope in the Pacific
Fall 2011
Mhoze Chikowero, History, African Music, Power and Being: Zimbabwe 1930s-1985
Sharon Farmer, History, Mediterranean Workers, the French Court, and the Beginnings of the Silk Cloth Industry in Thirteenth-Century Paris
Spring 2011
Thomas Carlson, Religious Studies, Toward the Heart of the Secular: On Modernity as a Form of Love
Lisa Jacobson, History, Fashioning New Cultures of Drink: Alcohol’s Quest for Legitimacy after Prohibition
Gabriela Soto Laveaga, History, Sanitizing Revolt: Physicians, Public Health, and Repression in Mexico, 1964-1968
Fall 2010
ann-elise lewallen, East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, The Fabric of Indigeneity: Ainu, Clothwork, and Gender in Postcolonial Japan
Richard Ross, Art, Juvenile In Justice
Richard Wittman, History of Art and Architecture, The Long Reconstruction of San Paolo fuori le mura in Rome (1823-19290: Space, Information, and the Sacred
Individual Research Assistance
Kum-Kum Bhavnani, Sociology, Nothing Like Chocolate
Melissa Curtin, Linguistics, Situating “Chinese Cosmopolitanism” in the Linguistic Landscape of Taipei
George Legrady, MAT, Prototyping a Cultural Archive
Spring 2010
Mary Bucholtz, Linguistics, Embodied Language: Discourse and Materiality in Gender and Sexuality
Individual Research Assistance
Patricia Hall, Music, The Oxford Handbook of Music Censorship
Mira Kingsley, Theater & Dance, Mira Kingsley: Solo Commissioning Project
S. Cecilia Mendez Gastelumendi, History, The Wars Within: Civil Strife, National Imaginings, and the Rural Basis of the Peruvian State
Xiaojian Zhao, Asian American Studies, Gender and Chinese Immigration: From Kinship Ties to Women’s Networks
Fall 2009
Greg Siegel, Film and Media Studies, Forensic Media: Accidents, Catastrophes, and Cultural Traces
Mayfair Yang, Religious Studies, Re-enchanting Modernity: Sovereignty, Ritual Economy, and Indigenous Civil Order in Coastal China
Individual Research Assistance
Peter S. Alagona, History and Environmental Studies, The California Landscape History Project
Brice Erickson, Classics, Lerna: Archaeology of an Ancient Greek Village
Bishnupriya Ghosh, English, Global Icons in Public Culture
Spring 2009
Jennifer Holt, Film and Media Studies, Empires of Entertainment: Deregulation and the Media Industries 1980-1996
Mireille Miller-Young, Feminist Studies, Brown Sugar: Black Women in Pornography
Individual Research Assistance:
William Davies King, Theater and Dance, Disconnect from Nowhere, Namely Chatauqua
Christina McMahon, Theater and Dance, Lusophone Theatre Festivals in Africa: Staging Transnationalism in the Portuguese-Speaking World
Fall 2008
Paul Amar, Law and Society, Theaters of Commando Masculinities: Racial Cultures and Gender Architectures of Police-Industry Trade Fairs and Urban Warfare Training Facilities for Law Enforcement
José Cabezón, Religious Studies, Buddhism and Sexuality: Eros and its Control in Classical India and Tibet
Russell Samolsky, English, Killing Dogs: Art and the Afterlife of Animals
Individual Research Assistance
Michael Berry, East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, China’s Americas: Imagining the U.S. through Chinese Literature, Film and Popular Culture
Lisa Hajjar, Law and Society, Lawfare: The Legal Campaign to Challenge the American Torture Policy and Restore the Rule of Law
Maryam Kia-Keating, Counseling, Clinical and School Psychology, Risk and Resilience among Resettled Refugee and Immigrant Adolescents
Xiorong Li, East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, Rewriting the Inner Chambers: The Boudoir in Late Imperial Chinese Poetry and Beyond
Spring 2008
Eve Darian-Smith, Law and Society, Religion, Race, Rights: Landmarks in the History of Modern Anglo-American Law
Horacio N. Roque Ramirez, Chicana and Chicano Studies, The Memory of AIDS: Public Culture and the Politics of Remembrance
Sarah Cline, History, Painting Race and Hierarchy in Colonial Mexico
Individual Research Assistance
Racha el Omari, Religious Studies, Al-Ka’bi and the Baghdadi Mu’tazilite School
John W.I. Lee, History, Warfare and Society in the Anatolian Borderlands, 550-350 BC
Sabine Früstück, East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, Against Militarization: Childhood in the Twentieth Century
Mary Hancock, Anthropology and History, Christian Missionization and the Making of Domestic Modernity in Colonial South India
Fall 2007
Stephanie LeMenager, English, Weather Events: Climate and Culture in North America
Racha el Omari, Religious Studies, Abu I’Qasim al Balkhi/al-Ka’bi and the Baghdadi Mu’tazilite School
Claudio Fogu, French and Italian, Modernism and Mediterranean Fantasies in Twentieth-Century Italian Culture
Individual Research Assistance
Frances Hickson Hahn, Classics, Gratitude, Laud and Honor: The Political Implications of Public Rituals of Thanksgiving from Roman Republic to Augustan Principate
Spring 2007
Elizabeth Heckendorn Cook, English, British Silva Culture: Trees and Forests in the Long Eighteenth Century
Kathleen M. Moore, Law and Society, Strange Bedfellows: The Civic Engagement of Muslim- and Christian-Americans in American
Interest Group Politics
erin Khuê Ninh, Asian American Studies, Ingratitude: A Cultural Theory of Power in Asian American Women’s Literature
Ann Marie Plane, History, “When I Awaked”: Dreams, Trances, Visions and the Colonization of Consciousness in Seventeenth-Century New England
Individual Research Assistance
Dorota Dutsch, Classics, Words Between: Feminine Speech in Roman Comedy
Sharon Farmer, History, Saracen Paris: Oriental Luxuries, Parisian Crafts and the Making of Europe’s Fashion Capital
Fall 2006
Cristina Venegas, Film Studies
Gaye Johnson, Black Studies
Individual Research Assistance
Rita Raley, English
Celene Parranas Shimizu. Asian American Studies
Spring 2006
Michael Berry, East Asian
Anita Guerrini, Environmental Studies/History
Harry Reese, Art
Jon Snyder, French and Italian
Jaqueline Stevens, Law and Society
Kum Kum Bhavnani, Sociology
Patricia Hall, Music
Thomas Scheff, Sociology
Tonia Shimin, Dance
Fall 2005
Jocelyn Holland, Germanic, Slavic, Semitic Studies, The Poetics of Procreation – Literary and Scientific Theories of Generation around 1800
Dana Driskel, Film Studies, The American Film Company Database
Mireille Miller-Young, Women’s Studies, A Taste for Brown Sugar: Black Women in American Pornography
Suk-Young Kim, Dramatic Art, Documenting the Narratives of the North Korean Camp Concentration Camp Survivor
Spring 2005
Swati Chattopadhyay, History of Art and Architecture, Unlearning the City
Jane Mulfinger, Art/CCS, Two site specific art works in Britain
Guisela LaTorre, Chicano/a Studies, Walls of Empowerment: California Chicana/o Murals and Indigenist Aesthetics, 1970-2000
Tim Cooley, Music, California Vernacular: Surfing as Cultural Practice, Surf Music
Fall 2004
Eve Darian-Smith, Law and Society. Culture, Custom, Power, Law: Legal Anthropology and the Interdisciplinary Study of Law.
Sabine Fruhstuck, East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies. Avant-Garde: The Army of the Future.
Frances Hahn, Classics. Gratitude, Laud and Honor: The Politics of Thanksgiving in Ancient Rome.
Xiaojian Zhao, Asian American Studies. The New Chinese America: Networks and Social Hierarchy.
Individual Research Assistance
Dana Driskel, Film Studies. American Film Company Database.
Helen Callus, Music. Recording project of literature for viola and symphony orchestra by British composers of the early 20th century.
Spring 2004
George Legrady, Art Studio. Global Collaborative Visual Mapping Archive.
Gabriela Soto-Laveaga, History. Jungle Laboratories: Mexican Peasants and the Global Search for Hormones, 1941-1989.
Individual Research Assistance
Sylvia Bermudez, Spanish and Portuguese. The Past is Never Dead.
Sarah Lindheim, Classics. Terminal Anxiety: Boundaries and their Transgression in Roman Poetry of the Augustan Age and Early Empire.
Luke Roberts, History. Denationalizing the Past in Pre-Modern Japan.
Hung Cam Thai, Asian American Studies. For Better of For Worse: Marriage and Migration in the New Economy.
Fall 2003
Sharon Farmer, History. Saracen Paris: Eastern Commodities, Parisian Industry, and the Making of Europe’s Fashion Capital.
Nelson Lichtenstein, History. Triumphalism and Apocalypse: Intellectuals and American Capitalism in the 20th Century.
Richard Ross, Art Studio. Waiting for the End of the World.
Individual Research Assistance
Laurel Beckman, Art Studio. On Board and Awake!
Joshua Fogel, History, East Asian. East Meets West: The Mission of the Senzaimaru in 1862.
Spring 2003
Catherine Cole, Dramatic Art. Stages of Transition: South Africa’s Truth Commission and Performance.
Lisa Jevbratt, Art Studio, Media Arts and Technology. Infome Imager.
Fredrik Logevall, History. The Struggle for Indochina, 1945-1965.
Laurie J. Monahan, History of Art and Architecture. Kiosk Culture.
Michael A. Osborne, History, Environmental Studies. A Medicine of Place and Race: The Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France
Fall 2002
Kip Fulbeck, Art Studio. The Hapa Project: Portraits of Multiracial Asian Americans.
Marko Peljhan, Art Studio. Makrolab2003- Venice Biennale.
William B. Warner, English. Early American Networks.
Individual Research Assistance
Mark Maslan, English. False Lives: History, Memoir, and Contemporary Fiction.
Kenneth Moure, History. Controlling Prices, Rationing Goods: State Controls and Black Markets in France, 1939-1958.
Eric Luis Prieto, French and Italian. Avant-Gardist Innovations in the Narrative Representation of Place.
Spring 2002
Cornelia Fales, Music. Inanga Bongerera of Burundi.
Diane Fujino, Asian American Studies. Japanese American Radicalsim in the Twentieth Century.
Paul Spickard, History. Foreigners/ American Race, Colonialism, and Immigration in American History and Identity “Resistance in Theory”.
Simon Williams, Dramatic Art. Richard Wagner and the Romantic Hero.
Individual Research Assistance
Hilary J. Bernstein, History. Erudition in the Provinces: Traditions of Urban History in Early Modern France.
Shirley Geok-Lin Lim, English. Telling America in Asian American Life-Writing.
Sears J. McGee, History. Lay Piety and Politics in England, 1590-1660.
Fall 2001
Elizabeth Heckendorn Cook, English. Natural Histories, Cultural Landscapes.
Individual Research Assistance
Silvia Bermudez, Spanish and Portuguese. Multilingual Spain: Native Tongues and/in Ambilingual Writers.
David A. Cleveland, Anthropology and Environmental Studies. The Changing Culture of Maize in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Sabine Fruhstuck, East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies. Masculinity and Modernity in Japan.
Kip Fulbeck, Art Studio. HAPA: Visual Self-Analysis of Multiracial Asians.
Stuart Tyson Smith, Anthropology. Askut Fort: Empire & Interaction on Ancient Egypt’s Southern Frontier.
Juliet Williams, Law and Society and Women’s Studies. On the Subject of Desire.
Spring 2001
Stephen M. Miescher, History. “To Be a Man is Hard”: Negotiating Masculinities in Twentieth-Century China.
Carol B. Pasternack, English. The Individual, the Family, and the Text in Anglo-Saxon England: Chapt. 3.
Erika Rappaport, History. Buying Love: Family, Consumption, and Middle Class Culture in Modern England.
Laura Wittman, French and Italian. Modernist Mysticism.
Individual Research Assistance
C. Edson Armi, History of Art and Architecture. Contemporary American Car Design.
Jane S. DeHart, History. The Politics of National Identity.
Nancy Gallagher, History. Amnesty International and the Construction of Muslim Women’s Human Rights.
William Kraft, Music. Recording Two Works: “A Kennedy Portrait” and “Settings from Pierrot Lunaire”.
Fredrik Logevall, History. The Struggle for Indochina, 1945-1965.
Mark A. Meadow, History of Art and Architecture. The Fuggers, Lisbon, and the New World.
Mary I. O’Connor, Institute for Social, Behavior, and Economic Research. Evangelical Protestantism and Transnational Networks Among the Mixteco Indians of San Quintin, Baja California.
Melissa M. Wilcox, Religious Studies. Los Angeles Women and Spirituality Project.
Fall 2000
Julie Carlson, English. Public Lives: England’s First Family of Writers.
Sven Spieker, Germanic, Slavic, and Semetic Studies. Archive Fever: Storage, Memory, Media.
Individual Research Assistance
Hilary J. Bernstein, History. Politics and Civic Culture in Sixteenth-Century Poitiers.
Catherine Cole, Dramatic Art. Ghana’s Concert Play Theatre.
Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi, Sociology. Conceptualizing the Sacred: Politics, Culture, Society and the College de Sociologie, 1937-1939.
Ulrich F. Keller, History of Art and Architecture. Picturing Art History.
Sandra A. Thompson, Linguistics. Conversation and Grammar.
Spring 2000
Cynthia J. Brown, French and Italian. Women and Books in Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe: Female Readers, Owners, and Makers; Oeuvres completes of Pierre Gringore (Volume II).
Maro Garcia, History and Chicano Studies. Becoming Chicanos: Identity,,,
Mary Hancock, Anthropology. Local Pasts in a Global City.
Individual Research Assistance
Jane Dehart, History. Litigating Equality: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Feminist Lawyers and the Court.
Nancy Gallagher, History. The Politics of Memory: Quaker…
Mark Meadow, History of Art. Hans Jacob Fugger and the Birth of the Wunderkammer.
Bhaskar Sarkar, Film Studies. Mourning the Nation: Partition Discourse in Recent Indian Audiovisual Media.
Candace Wald, English. Norton Critical Edition of Wharton’s Historical Novel, The Age of Innocence.
Fall 1999
Ellen McCracken, Spanish and Portuguese. Identity, World, and Image: The Cultural Production of Fray Angelico Chevez.
Kim Yasuda, Art Studio. Japan – U.S. Residency for the Visual Arts.
Individual Research Assistance
Jill Felber Bambach, Music. ZAWA! Flute Duo at Carnegie Hall.
Fredrik Logevall, History. The Struggle for Vietnam, 1945-1965.