05 Mar The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks in Historical Perspective

Ambassador Dennis Ross (The Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
Ghaith al-Omari (Executive Director, the American Task Force on Palestine)
Wednesday, March 5 / 5:00 PM
UCSB Campbell Hall
Veteran Middle East peace negotiators, Ambassador Dennis Ross (counselor and William Davidson Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy) and Ghaith al Omari (Executive Director of the American Task Force on Palestine) discuss the framework of principles for the negotiations leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict soon to be unveiled by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. Drawing upon decades of experience, they will compare the “Kerry Plan” to previous peace proposals and analyze the likelihood of its adoption.
Sponsored by The Herman P. and Sophia Taubman Foundation Endowed Symposia in Jewish Studies at UC Santa Barbara, a program of the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, is cosponsored by UCSB Arts and Lectures, Department of Religious Studies, Congregation B’nai B’rith, Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara, and Santa Barbara Hillel. This event is also cosponsored by Education Abroad Program, UCSB Center for Middle East Studies, and The Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies.
Website: https://www.ihc.ucsb.edu/endowments/taubman/