25 May On the Verge: how new plays and playwrights emerge in the American Theatre

John Walch, Pier Carlo Talenti, and Risa Brainin
Friday, May 25 / 4:00 – 5:30 PM
Hatlen Theatre
Preceding the West Coast Premiere of The Dinosaur Within presented by Dramatic Art, UCSB at 8:00 PM, join a panel discussion with John Walch (Playwright of The Dinosaur Within), Pier Carlo Talenti (Literary Manager at the Center Theatre Group) and Risa Brainin (Director of The Dinosaur Within / Assistant Professor of Dramatic Art, UCSB). Tickets for the performance are available from Arts & Lectures, (805) 893-3535
The Dinosaur Within plays, MAY 26th-27th @ 8:00 PM, JUNE 1st-3rd @ 8:00 PM, & JUNE 3rd 2:00PM
Box Office 805-893-3535
$17.00 General & $13.00 Student/Senior/UCSB Staff
This program is sponsored by the Hester and Cedric Crowell endowment, a program of the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center at UCSB.