10 May A Matter of Edge: Border vs. Boundary at La Frontera

Edward S. Casey (Philosophy, SUNY Stony Brook)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 / 4:00 PM
McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB
The complex and evolving situation at La Frontera, the U.S.-Mexico border, has been central to current discussions of immigration and the effect of drug cartels. In order to illuminate the earlier history of La Frontera as well as what is now happening in the region, Casey will discuss La Frontera in terms of differences between borders and boundaries regarded as kinds of edge. The talk will focus on the extensive wall that has been erected along La Frontera: a formidable structure whose costs have been massive not just in financial terms but with respect to its impact on the local environment, issues of social and economic justice, and the realities of human suffering.
Sponsored by the IHC’s Geographies of Place series.