Films of the Cold War: Countdown to Looking Glass

Films of the Cold War: Countdown to Looking Glass

Salim Yaqub (History, UCSB)
Thursday, March 1 / 6:00 PM
McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB

For over forty years, “Looking Glass” was the nickname of the Airborne Command Post–an essential element in the command and control of the Strategic Air Command’s forces. This made-for-TV docudrama is a fictionalized account of how quickly a nuclear war could break out between the US and the Soviet Union over Middle East oil. This fast-paced film feels as though you are watching breaking news, and features cameos by famous diplomats such as Paul Warnke, and a young Georgia Congressman, and current presidential candidate, Newt Gingrich. The film will be followed by a Q and A, and feature commentary from History Professor Salim Yaqub.

Sponsored by the Center for Cold War Studies and the Department of History.